
Learning Chinese

I assume you’re reading this because you’re interested in learning Chinese and you’re looking for a reputable online source to do just that. This review is of Rocket Chinese. I am sure that you will find it most helpful.

The company that has put Rocket Chinese together have done similar products for many other languages including Spanish, French and German. Quite honestly, there is nobody on the Internet who puts together a language product like theirs. Now, I could probably end this review right there and tell you, “Please go get this course, you won’t be sorry” but instead, I’ll just tell you some of what you get with this monster of a course.

First, you get a 31 lesson interactive audio course. Quite honestly, this is the best way to learn and in my opinion, is the best part of the whole course, not that there’s anything bad in it. The lessons are solid and very easy to follow, even if you’re just starting out.

You also get grammar and culture lessons where you really will understand the Chinese culture. This goes far beyond just the language itself as it teaches you how to use the language in a conversational manner. This is extremely important.

The software learning game is absolutely addictive and fun and is a great way to help you learn the language. My complaint is that you might spend too much time with it and not enough time on the more important features.

On top of that, they have their own forum and support area. In other words, you are not on your own learning this. You’ll get all the support that you need. Kind of like having your own private teacher. This alone is worth the price of the course.

Look, I could go on and on. Just go to the site and see what you get with this package, which would cost you a thousand dollars or more if you went to a private college or university to learn this stuff. I’m dead serious. You’ve never seen anything like this. And as much as I love to say something bad about everything I review, I can’t do it here. There is nothing about this product that isn’t 100% professional and top notch.